Monday, August 27, 2012

History of Java Program

Java is a programming language that can be run on different computers, including mobile phones. This language was originally created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems is joining now a part of Oracle, and was released in 1995. These languages ​​are adopting syntax contained in C and C + + syntax but with a simpler object model and support for lower-level routines are minimal. Java-based applications are generally compiled into p-code (bytecode) and can be run on different Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java is a programming language that is general / non-specific (general-purpose), and is specifically designed to utilize minimal implementation dependencies. Because of its functionality which allows Java applications capable of running on several different operating system platforms, also known as Java mantra of "Write once, run anywhere". Currently, Java is the most popular programming languages ​​in use, and is widely used in the development of various types of software applications or web-based applications.

The Java programming language was born out of The Green Project, which runs for 18 months, from the beginning of 1991 until the summer of 1992. The project is not using version named Oak. The project was led by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, James Gosling and Bill Joy, along with nine other programmers from Sun Microsystems. One result of this project is made by the Duke mascot Joe Palrang.
Project meeting took place in an office building Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park. Around the summer of 1992 the project was closed by generating a Java program Oak first, which is intended as a hardware controller with touch screen technology (touch screen), such as the PDA today. The new technology is called "* 7" (Seven Star).
After the era of Star Seven completed, a subsidiary of Cable tv plus a few people interested in the project The Green Project. They are concentrating on an office at 100 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto.
The company recently increased forward: the number of employees increased in a short period of 13 to 70 people. At this period also specified the use of the Internet as a medium that bridges work and ideas between them. In the early 1990s, the Internet is still a stub, which is used only in academia and the military.
They make the browser (browser) Mosaic as an initial basis for making the first browser, called Java Web Runner, inspired by the 1980 movie, Blade Runner. In the development of the first release, renamed Runner's Hot Java.
In about March 1995, for the first time the Java source code version 1.0a2 opened. Their success was followed by the news for the first time in the newspaper San Jose Mercury News on May 23, 1995.
Unfortunately the divisions between them. Three of the main leadership of the project, Eric Schmidt and George Paolinidari Sun Microsystems with Marc Andreessen, Netscape formed.
Oak name was taken from an oak tree that grew in front of the workspace window "Father of Java" James Gosling. Major Oak is not used for Java release version as the other software has been registered with the trademark, the replacement name to "Java". The name is taken from the ground pure coffee directly from bean (black coffee) Gosling's favorite. It is said that this coffee comes from the island of Java. So the name of the Java programming language is nothing but derived from the Javanese (English for Jawa is Java).

source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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